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Cell Phone Policy


Every student will have their own personal iPad with a charger for SCHOOL USE ONLY. Every student will have a DAILY responsibility to charge and keep care of this device. Students will use their iPad DAILY.

  • A. Damaged devices
    A ticket will be placed in the system to get fixed or replaced.
    Students will have to use hardcopies of all work.
  • B. Inappropriate Usage
    The iPad will no longer go home and will be signed in and out each day at school
  • C. Lost or Stolen devices
    Students will NOT get another one. Please file a police report and bring to the school.

Cell Phone Policy

M.S. 137 will be implementing the Yondr system designed to establish a personal electronic-free day from start to finish. Upon entering into the building, students will place their phones and other electronics(smart watches, headphones, etc.) into a Yondr Pouch. The pouch will be locked during intake and unlocked during dismissal. Students will be responsible for holding the pouch throughout the course of the day. Students who do not adhere to the electronics policy may have their electronics confiscated. A parent/guardian will be responsible for picking up the device(s) from school at a later time. *M.S. 137 is not responsible for the loss or theft of any electronics.

Cell Phone Process

Building Entrance: As students enter the building, they:

  1. Turn their phone OFF.
  2. Unlock their empty Yondr Pouch using an Unlocking Base at the Building Entrance(s).
  3. Place their phone inside the pouch, securely close it and store it in their backpack.

Each student then is able to maintain possession of their cellphone inside their Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day. We recommend each student place their Yondr Pouch in their locked locker or secure it in their book bag.

Building Exit: As students exit the building at the end of the school day, they:

  1. Unlock their Yondr Pouch using an Unlocking Base at a Building Exit(s).
  2. Remove their phone from their pouch.
  3. Securely close their empty pouch and place it in their backpack for the next day.

Violations/ Disciplinary Action

Below is a list of potential student violations and consequences. Please read carefully.

  1. Physical damage to the Yondr Pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. (Ex: Bent pin, cutting through the pouch, or stripped lock inside the pouch) Phone & Pouch will be confiscated and parent/guardian will be notified immediately.
  2. If a student forgets their pouch for the day, they will turn in their cell phone in the morning and the phone will not be available until after 2PM.
  3. If a child was already given a new Yondr Pouch and loses/ damages the replacement, they will no longer be permitted to bring a cell phone to school.
  4. Using a phone during school hours. Phone and/or pouch being confiscated by school administration, and will only be released when a parent/ guardian comes to pick it up.

A fee of $20 will be charged to replace any damaged or lost pouches.

Electronic Policy

M.S. 137 will be implementing the Yondr system designed to establish a personal electronic-free day from start to finish. Upon entering the building, students will place their phones and other electronics (smart watches, headphones, etc.) into a secure Yondr pouch. 
The Yondr pouch will be locked during intake and unlocked during dismissal. Students will be responsible for holding the pouch throughout the course of the day. Students who do not adhere to the electronics policy may have their electronics confiscated. A parent/guardian will be responsible for picking up the device(s) from school at a later time. 
*M.S. 137 is not responsible for the loss or theft of any electronics.

Positioned Script